BSN:The Untold - Page 2


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BSN:The Untold Edition 1
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BSN:The Untold Edition 1 Page 2 -A typical lunch in the library

Library Liberty

The library is one of the schools
most central areas, it's designated
use being studying, homework,
and other productive activities.
Unfortunately, during break
times, the library has been
reduced to an area of social
gathering for what feels like 70%
of the schools students.

It is noisy, chaotic and bursting with people,
either filling up tables to chat, or
sitting in between the bookshelves
to play games on their iPads. This is
clearly not the way a library is
meant to function. A library is
meant to be a place of calm and
quiet to provide a studious
Roughly 90% of the floor/seats are
taken up by screeching social
butterflies, which makes it almost
impossible to work or to reach the
books. This is especially frustrating
if someone is shelving books to
assist the librarians. Furthermore,
iPads in the library are meant to be
used specifically for homework, yet
very little is being done to deter the
crowds of people swarming the
library every lunch to play racing
games, shooting games, etc. This
could also be seen as a health
hazard, seeing as screen time
dramatically reduces sperm count,
and increases the risk of obesity,
brain shrinkage and death,
according to the slightly traumatic
speech we were given recently In
conclusion, our beautiful library has
been turned into the equivalent of a


Roughly 90% of the floor/seats are
taken up by screeching social
butterflies, which makes it almost
impossible to work or to reach the
books. This is especially frustrating
if someone is shelving books to
assist the librarians. Furthermore,
iPads in the library are meant to be
used specifically for homework, yet
very little is being done to deter the
crowds of people swarming the
library every lunch to play racing
games, shooting games, etc. This
could also be seen as a health
hazard, seeing as screen time
dramatically reduces sperm count,
and increases the risk of obesity,
brain shrinkage and death,
according to the slightly traumatic
speech we were given recently In
conclusion, our beautiful library has
been turned into the equivalent of a

football stadium, and little to
nothing is being done about it.
Although we are well aware that
there is a space issue in Mike‘s
Place, the humble students coining
to the library to be productive
should not have to put up with
crowds of chattering students and
yelling gamers, and, in our opinion,
it should be a priority for the school
to address this issue.

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